Our Qualities
1. Being developed as on the education pattern of Nalanda Takshila
2. Revival of Rishi Traditions and Spiritual Ambience.
3. Ascetic Life Style.
4. Extension Programme (Internship) compulsory for all the Students.
5. More than 230 working days in Academic Calendar
6. Residential in Nature.
7. Personality Development Programmes including Life Management, Meditation, Spiritual Discourse, Participation in Village Development Programme.
8. Students Representation from 20 Different States.
9. Modular Programme on Indian Culture for Oversea Students.
10. Maximum no of Courses in Yogic Sciences in the Country including Ph.D. Programme.
11. Special Lectures given on Dhyan and Geeta by the Chancellor of DSVV
12. Infrastructure designed with unique Architecture are surrounded by lush green fields (based on different religions) and variety of flowers. Four Yantras based on Astrology situated at the four directions of the campus.
13. The Life Management course is the essential part of each syllabus.
14. Optical Fibre Network in the campus.
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